you are missing everything i have said about a unilateral placement at the private school at the public school districts expense, with them footing the bill for the LD education added on. maybe even lindamood bell at public expense. but at the very least,evidence based multisensory learning ( wilson or OG).
they have really screwed up here from a legal standpoint and you dont show that you know all your rights and are going to take advantage of it. legally.
Get the Sped atty now before you make a mistake that will invalidate your right to OOD ( that means Out Of District school at public expense) this is the holy grail for Sped. they have done badly enough for you to get it, but only if you do all the right things going forward. this is a chess game and you could win it, but you dont seem to know you are even in a oneupmanship game here. the stakes are your kid's education at the private school.
the mental health person is telling you what to do. (and that she will not be your person not becuse she doesnt know whats going on, but becuse she does and because she doesnt want to go to court and has too much to loose if she tells the truth)
You are not playing with the people that make the decisions yet. principals and sped personel are not the decision-makers here.
get help from someone who has fought your school district and won.