Thanks. After no action for weeks we finally got some news shortly after I posted. New DSS called consultant to say that they are scheduling an IEP meeting the week before school starts. We know principal will be there (oh yippee!) and DD's excellent special ed teacher. We have no idea who else will be available. They still won't tell us what they plan but have said the purpose of the meeting is to finalize everything we didn't get through and figure out what is going to happen on the first day of school. I asked consultant if this means that suddenly classroom placement is being treated as a team decision rather than unilateral principal prerogative. He seems to think that yes, that is the case.

To say we don't trust these people farther that we can throw them is an understatement. Perhaps our rejecting the IEP, arranging the psych eval and moving up the neuropsych while they have done *nothing* is making them a bit nervous. Who knows. Now I have to steal myself for attending this meeting with this principal in attendance. Consultant says that new DSS is "on our side" but basically has her hands tied. Who knows...

Yes polarbear we had a different team last year. Since DD was in an out of district placement everything was handled by central office. Our IEP team was made up of the district's director of special ed and head school psychologist. DSS - who later became such an ally before he left the district - sat in for a bit too. These were the people who forced principal's hand and got her to place DD in the good classroom last year.

We are leaving on a 2 week vacation and just want to enjoy happy summer DD while we can. Almost as soon as we get back we will start the psych eval process and do the neuropsych. I assume that will be the beginning of the end for happy summer DD...

I will, of course, keep you posted!