Not sure if this is progress but at least we have a bit of movement. The district has backed off the mediation request. Interestingly new DSS told consultant today she "feels terrible" about this, neither she nor the district have done enough to find a solution and she realizes that she hasn't even provided a proposed plan in writing that we can respond too. Maybe this means their attorney if no one else has pointed out that they are not handling this well...

I have a question - we received an IEP in the mail. Obviously we do not agree with their proposed placement or think the anxiety related goals are appropriate given the blindside about the placement that was delivered after that part was discussed. Apparently there are different interpretations regarding how the 5 day rule is applied in the summer. We don't want to inadvertently appear to consent to the IEP by not responding or respond In a way that comes back to bite us later. What do you think of saying "We received the IEP draft. Since the meeting ended abruptly and we did not have the opportunity to discuss all outstanding issues we can not accept this draft as final. We therefore request another meeting to be held prior to the start school in order to develop a complete IEP."

While typing got a call from therapist. Insurance is a no-go. Apparently they are not accepting new clinicians at this time. This could be A LOT of money but I guess we don't really have a choice. Consultant is hoping district will cover the cost but who knows anymore...