Originally Posted by KatieMama
st pauli girl:

That's so interesting to me that your son's cursive writing was better than his printing. Sadly, the school system in my state doesn't include cursive writing in their mandates anymore. His first grade teacher advised us to start keyboarding with him, which he loves. (BBC Dance Mat Typing for anyone with young ones interested in learning.)

My son (6-years-old) struggles with his handwriting/fine motor skills. Though his teacher says it's exaggerated because of his advanced academic abilities. She says he's within the parameters of "normal" for his age on this front. I wonder if he'd be better at cursive than printing? Hmmm...I'll have to keep this in mind this coming year.

I think a big part of the problem with my kiddo was when he had to lift the pen off the paper - he was all over the place with printing. Much better with cursive, when he doesn't have to lift his pen so much. Still pretty awful, but readable. smile His teachers have always been good about his handwriting, telling us it was age appropriate and not making a big deal out of it. Well, except at the previous school when they wouldn't let my kiddo go up a grade for math because they decided his handwriting was too poor. frown

I know a lot of people here who have kiddos with handwriting difficulties have had success with Handwriting Without Tears. They have printing and cursive workbooks.

I agree with you that keyboarding is the way to go. DS8 can type much faster than he writes.