Wish I had ideas for you st. pauli girl about the school thing with your DS. Working in schools though I see a lot of kids that have fun all day and enjoy themselves and then their parents tell us that the kids give them a hard time about going and don't want to come. It's a little confusing sometimes. Maybe the day just seems too long and he is just in that mindset of saying he doesn't like school. Lots of kids say it. Our DS7 is definitely in the minority as he has never complained about school, never said he doesn't want to go, and never said it is boring. He actually rarely says anything is boring which is odd to me....but he occasionally will tactfully say things like "I think that's a little too easy for me." But hearing about your DS's school, it sounds awesome! sounds like you have found the right school...but it's still a school. : ) I hope for your sake he gets tired of the complaining because that has to be hard for you when you know it's a good school and think things are going well. Good luck! How did conferences go?? Mine isn't until next week! My daughters is this Wednesday for pre-k though.