Positive reminders are great.
Originally Posted by jack'smom
I tell my son- this is why the USA ranks almost dead last among most countries for math test scores!! No reading groups yet either but I did see that my son was reading Harry Potter for his free time. At least that is something.
I hope that didn't sound snotty- I don't object to review. OK, let's spend an hour reviewing odd/even numbers or what is a quarter, but 3 weeks??? Oh well...

Yeah, that's pretty crazy. I think there's an over-emphasis on money and telling time anyway a lot of the time in grades 2 and 3. I can see that it might work for a lot of children to develop some basic calculation skills in a minor way, but that's about it. It's really a life skill that shoehorned into math curricula IMHO. I guess it's "applied math" of a sort, but not the sort that I care about.

DS came home with the seventh Harry Potter book on Wednesday, his school's library day. Which would have been fine, except that when I picked him up from day care, he took it out of his bookbag with relish to show me, pretty obviously getting off on the chunkiness of it. I think it was a form of bragging to do it in front of the other children and the day care workers. :| In any event I'm glad they're not restricting his choices of library books the way they did last year.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick