Let me start by saying... school hasn't started yet.. tomorrow is dd7 first day. We were told in the spring and confirmed (so I thought) last week, that she would be accelerated to 3rd grade math. Tonight at meet the teacher night, I was told by the principal it won't be happening as they do not have a plan in place to make this happen. I am not a happy camper. He said they will differentiate in the classroom. They tried this last year with a small group.. where they did enrichment and then after spring break they were moved to second grade math. Of that group 3 kids were to move to third grade math. grrrrrrrrrrr

I have a meeting with the principal on Thursday morning (while my k-er is taking the ISEL test. He is also supposed to be accelerated in math based off spring MAP testing he was at a mid 1st grade level at that point.