shellymos, that sounds like a dream arrangement compared to ours. It doesn't make much sense for your son to sit in a fifth grade class if he's not doing the normal fifth grade work, but at least he has the in-class computer program to stretch himself a bit more (what is it, btw? we have to evaluate a few this month).

What you say about the faster pace seems to be the hardest thing for some of the administrators to understand. It does unfortunately impose a set of tradeoffs in normal schooling situations, that can only be resolved perfectly by appropriately-paced instruction with similarly fast-paced learners at a similar knowledge level in each subject. I can only dream about some of the gifted schools I've read about with high entry requirements.

I agree about Khan Academy. We use it for learning about astronomy, etc. and I know it has some math, but it's not the best "spine", as they say.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick