I never liked to go either. DS10 didn't want to go at 6 and doesn't want to go at 10. Things are better than they were but ew still have the conversation about once a week. He wants to be a mathematician though and he knows he is probably in school for the long haul.

If he says he doesn't like to go it could be social, he may not like the teacher, etc. DS is so much happier now that he's got it going on socially and has found kids that are not just fun and nice but are academic peers to him. That was a BIG deal. Have you probed into those areas? Sometimes it's not the academics. DS doesn't like the long day and the home work. If we could do 3 days on, 3 days off, shorter days and no homework then he'd be thrilled! lol

If it's not making his life miserable and he is going to school without making your life miserable I wouldn't worry too much. I would gently probe to see what's going on. Have a meeting with the teacher to find out what he does at free times, who he eats lunch with, are they making them square dance in PE? etc...