Originally Posted by st pauli girl
DS7 had his first day of 3rd grade today, and I think things went well. The first thing he said was that he and another student think that the new teacher is crazy because she's making the kids use planners. (I rather like the planners - it means that we'll finally get to know what the kid is doing in school. He's not one to talk about school. Last year I got the info from his friends...) He brought home some "getting to know you" type writing, and I was shocked by how neat it was, and it filled a whole page! DS has had notoriously poor handwriting, and we were going to work on it over the summer... well, you know how these things go. It got worked on a couple of times. So I was very pleasantly surprised.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the planner. DS9 started getting one in 3rd grade. like yours, he would never tell me anything. It's the only way I can keep track of anything that's going on. My favorite was the math quiz that he had today. In planner: Study for math quiz. Me: You have a math quiz? Him: Sure. Me: Are you going to study. Him: No. Etc. ... of course, he gets them all right every time. I don't know why I worry about actual STUDYING! ;-)