This post has a roundup of discussion threads, posts, and links to resources, which answer some of the more frequently asked questions on the forums. This is not to preclude further inquiry/discussion on these topics, but to provide a basic "Gifted 101" foundation for those looking for quick access to answers and information.

I find the search (and advanced search) feature on this forum to be unable to locate certain things such as '504', 'IEP', 'IAS', etc... whether it is because they are short (3 characters), numeric, all-caps, etc??? Therefore it is sometimes helpful to begin finding old threads by using a roundup of links, such as those in this post.

This post is essentially a roundup of roundups smile ... in roughly alphabetical order by topic.

1) roundup on pros and cons of full-grade Acceleration, also known as a grade-skip or skipping a grade
As this "Acceleration" post is a bit large and unwieldy, created a new discussion thread here (2021).

2) roundup on Advocacy, or working with schools (includes meeting prep, school fit)
- helping to develop positive student self-advocacy

3) roundup of common Behavior characteristics and early milestones which may indicate giftedness
As several links have recently been changed, this "Behaviors" list has been updated as a new discussion thread here (2021).
- Characteristics of intellectually advanced young people
- Parenting Gifted Preschoolers (Milestones - typical development compared with 30% advanced)
- NAGC's list borrowed from the book A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children
((The first item on the NAGC list of Common Characteristics of Gifted Individuals is: Unusual alertness, even in infancy)).
- Characteristics and Behaviors of the Gifted
- Characteristics checklist for gifted children
-Tips for Parents: Helping Parents Understand Their Profoundly Gifted Children
- Profiles of the gifted and talented which lists 6 different types, categorized by personality/temperament and achievement
- Bertie Kingore, Ph.D.: High Achieving, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker? (hat tip to sanne)
- A common trait in gifted children, often listed amongst identifying characteristics, is alternately described as: "advanced moral reasoning", "well developed sense of justice", "moral sensitivity", "advanced ability to think about such abstract ideas as justice and fairness", "empathy", "compassion". Links to lists of gifted characteristics include several articles on the Davidson Database here and here, SENG (Silverman), SENG (Lovecky).
- ages at which gifted children may reach developmental milestones
- thread about Early Milestones - what do they mean?
- SENG video: The Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children
- book: Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults
- old post with link to article comparing gifted characteristics and ASD characteristics
- post with checklist comparing gifted and ASD traits (hat tip to BananaGirl)
- post with link to Gifted Resource Center of New England (GRCNE) article comparing gifted and ASD traits (hat tip to Nolepharm).

4) roundup on gifted program and service Buzzwords, including "differentiation"

5) roundup on Data collection ushered in by Common Core

6) roundup on Early college

7) roundup on Early education (preschool)
- posters on this forum recommend play-based preschool smile
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - Dr. Todd Risley on the value of talking to even the youngest kids
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - NPR Jan 10, 2011
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - high level summary
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - back-and-forth conversation rather than just directives
- Comparison: Hart-Risley (lasting impact) VS HeadStartprogram (short-term effect)
- Links to research summary, books, free downloadable government resources for early literacy

8) roundup on Equal Outcomes
Increasingly, public school teachers are evaluated and US public schools are rated/ranked based on closing achievement gaps and excellence gaps; This includes capping the growth of students at the top.
- data collection is used to force equal outcomes
- ushered in by common core
- educational plank of party platforms
- rationing opportunities
- Nature versus nurture
- supplanting gifted students in "Gifted" programs
- coaching to create a self-limiting mindset
- see Grading practices (which tend to produce equal outcomes)
- counterpoint statements
- The Gifted: Left Behind?
- one-size-fits-all
- replacing the classics with anthologies

9) roundup on Executive function
- partial list of EF skills issues
- resources to help a child understand ADHD
- - executive function skills
- Wrightslaw - executive function skills
- books to help with EF skills: Smart but Scattered... Late, Lost, and Unprepared (hat tip to aeh)

10) Government, resources, USA
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) also here
- Federal Register, Education Department, Daily Journal
- educational plank of party platforms
- 2 meanings of FREE (without cost at point of service -OR- liberty)
- linked in this old post, the U.S. Department of Education College Affordability and Transparency Center (CATC) ranks institutions by cost
- Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) data collection by school year (2013-2014 most current at this time)
- US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)

11) roundup on Grading practices (which tend to produce equal outcomes)
- Standards-Based grading
- list of grading practices
- policies which lack transparency
- requiring students to list new vocabulary words in the reading material, when there are none
- collective grading

12) roundup on Grouping (cluster grouping by ability and readiness)
- Article about poor school fit...gifted kids need appropriate challenge and academic/intellectual peers
- Cluster Research Support... includes link to NAGC position statement
- NAGC position statement on Grouping... downloadable PDF file: press release, approved March 2009
- Does Gifted Education Work? For Which Students?
- DITD link to article on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page: Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Students: An Underserved Population, by Miraca U.M. Gross
Originally Posted by article
Our task as educators, therefore, is to place the extremely gifted child in the environment that will least restrict her opportunities for socialization. Research suggests that the inclusion classroom, with age peers, may not be the most appropriate environment.

13) roundup on Homeschooling

14) roundup on Homework
- amount of time per school night
- amount of time per school night (hat tip to aeh)
- differentiated task demands
- flipped classroom - do homework in school, read lessons at home (hat tip to Bostonian)
- rubrics, transparency: assessed by objective or subjective measures

15) roundup on Individual Education Plans(IEP) and 504
- Wrightslaw: Writing Smart IEPs
- IEP recommendations
- possible ideas of what to include in a 504
- Knowing one's strengths and owning one's weaknesses (hat tip to Platypus101)

16) roundup on Iowa Acceleration Scale (IAS) (link to IAS description on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page)
- IAS - Acceleration Institute
- IAS - Gifted Unlimited, LLC, formerly Great Potential Press (GPP)
- post discussing tests for Ability, Aptitude, Achievement
- post discussing aeh test insights
- post discussing single subject acceleration (SSA), IQ cutoff
- post discussing whether IAS forms are needed
- post discussing older sibling in receiving grade
- link to overview and high-level description of IAS
- obtaining a copy of the IAS (library, purchase new, purchase used)

17) roundup on IQ test prep and administration
- Hoagies list of Psychologists familiar with Testing the Gifted and Exceptionally Gifted
- Test prep articles - one by Aimee Yermish, one by Nadia Webb
- Hoagies list of comparative IQ scores: Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
- Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) vs. General Ability Index (GAI)
- links to info on IQ tests
- some reasons for IQ testing
- subtests utilized to calculate FSIQ (hat tip to aeh)

18) roundup on Mindset

19) roundup on Online Courses as compared with books. While there are many interesting MOOCs, great courses such as AoPS, and the Khan Academy... there may be downsides to some online curriculum:
- electronic monitoring of students
- advantages of books
- advantages of traditional hardcopy books
- outages and system downtime, scheduled and unscheduled

20) roundup on Perfectionism and anxiety
- post on perfectionsim
- another post on perfectionism
- post on anxiety

21) roundup on direct teaching of Social skills (body language, friendship, etc)
- book: 100 social rules for kids (hat tip to sanne)
- direct teaching of non-verbal cues
- direct teaching of friendship
- direct teaching of perspective taking
- link to an article on the Davidson Database, Tips For Parents: Gifted Children's Friendships
- post with roundup of articles on friendship

22) roundup on Trends in US public education
- toward uniformity
- teachers being credited for student learning outside of classroom
- see roundup on Data Collection, above
- see roundup on Equal Outcomes, above

23) roundup on Underachievement
- general description,
- Hoagies list,
- Jim DeLisle article,
- Jim DeLisle book,
- see roundup on Executive function, above.
- The Sept 2011 report summarizing research by NWEA - Fordham, titled "Do High Flyers Maintain Their Altitude?", indicates that some students may become "descenders" within a given one-third of their class. This information may have inspired some schools to intentionally create "descenders" as the school strives to close gaps and achieve equal outcomes.

WayBack Machine (internet archive) -
- link:
- Useful when a website or webpage is NOT FOUND or has been changed and no longer contains the described content
- Example in this post.

My work here is nearly done.