I guess my question is, if these kids can pay razor-sharp attention when being assessed in these environments, then how are we supposed to assess them for ADHD?
You can:
--arrange to have her observed at school by the testing professional
--use standardized questionnaires with a variety of adults who come into contact with her (i.e. not just the least-favorite teacher who complains) in a variety of different contexts
--use an expert professional who is used to diagnostic work with 2E kids
Furthermore, if they can pay attention so well while being assessed, how serious can the ADHD actually be?
My DS doesn't have ADHD but has attention issues from his autism. His capacity for paying attention varies hugely depending on his stress level, his interest in the subject matter, his preoccupation with other things, and his belief that paying attention is worth his while in any given situation (rewards available or not, likely or improbable).
It has been a very serious issue for him, at school and at home, even though it appears intermittent.