My son has CAPD and is hearing impaired. Even with an excellent hearing aid, he still misses things in class or even at home. For example, in our house (which is quiet) with the hearing aid on, he was watching the Disney Channel. He said, "I can't believe they are saying bad words!" (What bad words?). He said, "They keep saying "hell, hell, hell."" Actually, they were saying "Help, help, help."
On the other hand, he reads 2-3 grade levels above, strong phonics (but we did 5 years of a phonics workbook series in 3 years), etc.
You can try to make sure she always sits in the front row (preferential seating). That is in my son's IEP. FM system can help. Ask teacher for their notes to photocopy or get a friend's notes, etc. There are ways to compensate.
I've just accepted that my son with hearing loss and CAPD will always miss spoken things, but my hope is that he is just so bright and can compensate in other ways that it will hopefully not ultimately matter.
How many teens miss things because they are spacey or are on their I-phone, etc? I always tell my son, you will have to work harder than the other kids just to keep up.