Originally Posted by polarbear
Our 2e ds' second grade teacher was quick to think ds had ADHD - and suggested it to us without using the term "ADHD".. but it was clear what she thought was up. DS does not have ADHD, but his 2nd grade teacher was absolutely correct in that *something* was up and he desperately needed help and support in the classroom.

I could have written this paragraph, Polar! Except that the teacher told us point blank that our kid had ADHD and should be medicated (teacher herself had a child with ADHD). In reality, DS did not have ADHD, he had ASD, which often includes unusual behaviors around attention (both long and short attention span).

Her adamance did help us get more support, so it was in the end worth something, however frustrating her misreading of DS's diagnostic situation was at the time. Ultra, I hope you can leverage your teacher's intuition into some support from the school that means something?
