Well, she passed the school's hearing test with flying colors, according to her. But "all the sounds were in one ear at a time" and "the nurse said I shoudl get a test from a real doctor." Haven't heard anything official from the school. In the meantime, she is really upset because her teacher keeps getting upset with her because she isn't "hearing" what the teacher says when she is absorbed in seatwork or reading. That is, she doesn't hear instructions to put her book away or stop working or move on to something else. She says she can physically hear her but the words just do not connect and she has to be told again or ask to have them repeated. Her teacher is not happy with her. Her work continues to be excellent, but she perceives that she is seen as a behavior problem and I fear she is right.

I suspect the school is going to bark up the ADD tree again. I have an email in to the teacher but I guess it's time to go private now.