Hi Ultra,
The workup for hearing and auditory processing disorder is a very good idea.
If you want to rule ASD in/out, get someone (preferably someone with lots of experience with ASDs) to give the ADOS, the NEPSY, the PDDBI, and the Vineland.
I just posted this on another thread, but it may be handy for you to have it here. When my DS was diagnosed with AS at 5, these are the tests they used. I starred the ones that seem like they were important to us in understanding the AS.
Stanford Binet 5 (cognitive)
Woodcock Johnson III (academic achievement)
WIAT-II Word Fluency (academic achievement supplement)
Children's Memory Scale (memory)
VMI-V (visual-motor integration)
** NEPSY Social Perception (social awareness/understanding)
** ADOS (autism diagnostic observation schedule)
** Vineland (adaptive behavior - parent report)
** PDDBI (ASD characteristics - parent report)
**CBCL- TRF (general behavior - parent/teacher report)
** PLSI (pragmatic language - teacher report)
FWIW, my DS was dismissed as not possibly having ASD for some years after we first suspected. We had to find a real expert (autism clinic at a children's hospital) to get a dx. And he's a pretty classic case in many ways-- but giftedness does complicate the diagnostic picture.