We took our son to a specialized audiologist who had a PhD also to do detailed CAPD testing. It was in the soundproof room and it cost $1500. CAPD testing is difficult to do, and only a few specialized people are trained to do it (this is what I've learned). However, it was really worth it for us since my son is extremely verbal (WISC verbal IQ 144) but he has CAPD. It got him the IEP. The school did their testing for CAPD by reading him a story in a quiet carpeted room while the speech therapist clapped her hands! She said he didn't have CAPD.
An FM system is a device where the teacher wears a microphone and it transmits her voice wirelessly into my son's hearing aid. Or it can transmit to a small speaker on the child's desk. We get this free through the IEP. The school district buys it for him (it costs $1000 or so).
His school also has a Surround Sound in every room, unrelated to the IEP. The teacher wears a microphone and it transmits her voice a bit louder into an overhead speaker in each classroom.
For him, we finally figured out that the combination of the FM, hearing aid, and Surround Sound was too much amplication. He said sometimes the teacher wore her keys around her neck and he heard it clanking against the microphone!
I do think music lessons has helped retrain his brain- is that something you can try? He had lots and lots of ear infections as a baby, which is also how he became deaf in one ear (despite 4 surgeries to help all of that, grrrrr)

Last edited by jack'smom; 08/29/12 08:34 AM.