Okay. So much good advice. Here's what I've decided to do (I think).

Contact 504 Coordinator, tell her my concerns about existing plan and its implementation.

Wait for neuropsych results.

Stay on top of DS and schoolwork. The teachers don't have to like him.

Continue with very explicit communication with DS re: behaviors he needs to exhibit.

Continue with counseling for anxiety/depression.

Finish school, detox over summer.

It's such a complex situation. My daughter enters the program in the fall. She is a totally different child--driven, organized-- and should not encounter the same issues.

There are a few other options for DS, school-wise. A big issue is that the other "choice programs" do not offer transportation so the logistics would be a nightmare. My thinking is that this is not really a school-specific issue but a transition to middle school issue and he would probably have the same experience anywhere.

I think I may hire a college student from the education department to act as after-school manager, next year. Can you imagine my advertisement? "Need help with organization, must not be threatened by stubborn child who talks like a professor and behaves like a preschooler."


Last edited by eco21268; 04/29/15 01:33 AM.