Originally Posted by blackcat
Did you fill out a sensory profile (parent inventory)? OTs seem to love this profile but I didn't think it gave us any helpful, definitive information. It would be helpful to see the results anyway, though. It sounds like she gave him the Beery Visual Motor Integration test and/or the BOT-2 (or similar instruments).
I didn't fill out anything, including a consent form! Maybe it was implied when I signed the 504, ordering OT eval?

Originally Posted by blackcat
Have you been in contact with the school psychologist? Is she/he as incomptetent as everyone else in the school? It sounds like you need a "functional behavioral assessment".
Like your school, the OT was more reasonable than anyone else, but the results didn't really matter anyway since DD was not failing anything.

I haven't been in touch with school psychologist. I plan to ask for the FBA once neuropsych eval is done. But that will probably be after school is out. frown My son is "almost" failing two subjects, but evidently--that won't count, because his courses are accelerated. Achievement tests are all in the 90-99th percentiles.

Originally Posted by blackcat
Ask the OT if the school can give parent/teacher versions of the BRIEF for executive functioning. (DD's teacher scores were terrible on this but the school STILL would not do anything).
The neuropsych gave me the parent BRIEF, and I think she's sending it to school, too. I have to say: I found my answers horrifying. But not as horrifying as the ABAS (I think that's what it's called?) I can't decide if I'm just the laziest parent ever or I've adapted to my son.

I just received the OT report! May have to post to see if anyone can understand it.