I have a question and I'm sorry for monopolizing this board. frown

I'm having trouble getting my hands on the OT report. I've now asked twice directly from the person who did the evaluation. She told me she had already emailed it, then I asked her to email it again to my work. It still hasn't appeared in my inbox.

Where can I get this report, other than the OT, who is not providing it? I feel like that is an important piece since she said there were "differences" but I don't know what they are--only what they aren't (no fine motor and no something-visual). I know next to nothing about sensory issues. Evidently, she's been in contact with the teachers and is recommending "movement breaks" and something else (a timer, I think?) I don't know what those interventions reflect.

Does this seem like a report the neuropsychologist should have? I'm thinking yes. I'm also thinking it would be helpful to me as a parent.

Is 12 too old to get OT services, privately?