Originally Posted by bluemagic
What do you mean about a 504 absence? An absence for a meeting or to be pulled by the school. With a 504 accommodations have to be explicit. And yes a teacher can deduct participation points for behavioral issues BUT they shouldn't deduct ALL the points.

One piece of advice.. Take a deep breath. While it's much better if your son doesn't fail Art. This is 6th grade. What happens if he fails art? In the long run. Will it keep him from being in this program next year?

504 absence meaning an absence related to his disabling condition. We tell the attendance secretary it is 504 and he gets two extra days to turn in work instead of one.

Yes, there is a possibility he will not be able to return to this program if he fails art. Actually if he does not earn a C. That's the policy--I don't know how seriously they adhere to it.