Originally Posted by polarbear
The other thing I noticed - in the sensory profile your ds is listed as "probable difference" for Sensory Seeking and also "definite difference" for Sensory Avoiding. I'm not a Sensory expert, but wouldn't it be unlikely that a child would be both sensory seeking *and* sensory avoiding? I also think that with most kids who truly have sensory issues it's unlikely that they'd have definite differences across the board - I'd expect a more uneven profile.

Yes, they apparently think he is deficient in every single possible way!

Their observations don't seem to line up with the VMI stuff, either, unless I'm just totally not getting it. The "visual" and "movement" things are making me giggle a little. I guess that his "above average" visual perception and motor coordination appear as "awkward and clumsy" and whatever questions resulted in the 21/55 in Visual.

They haven't said one nice thing about him all year long--now I know why! He's just so terribly defective.

I also think it's kind of funny the "above mentioned behaviors were not observed during assessment." I don't think the teachers get to read this but I wish they did. I tell everyone (who will listen) that he is not difficult at home and is great with adults, one-on-one.