Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by blackcat
... is it like this everywhere? Are there school districts/schools that are actually good and kids get their needs met? How do you feel?
Many families may be pleased with their children's education and we hear this frequently from families with kids in the middle, athletes, moderately gifted, and hothoused high achieving. They are incredulous that families with HG+ kids are disappointed with the very school system they adore. In summary, schools are built for mass-production but have difficulty with customization.

Yes, whenever I display "displeasure" to other parents in the district, I get looks of confusion (unless it is other parents of special needs kids). And I end up feeling that I must be unreasonable to be so unhappy. I would estimate that 90 percent of the parents in the district are happy. The other 10 percent who are not happy, the district would prefer to sweep under the rug. Most of those 90 percent of parents have probably never had to deal with the administration or had a serious concern.
But even with those 90 percent, is the district really meeting their needs? Or are they just faking it well and parents are clueless?