I think you already hold the answer within. You know your child best.

I have two gifted DSs, each from a different marriage with 12 years between them. Even before he was in school, my oldest loved to do worksheets and extra things--and once he was in school, even during breaks.

My youngest, not at all. He didn't want any part of worksheets, nor any part of learning things he wasn't interested in. I worried initially because he was so obsessed with things that moved and didn't seem to be curious or interested in anything else. Because he was so different from my first experience, I didn't even realize he was gifted until the school alerted me. And then it took me years to realize how gifted. My youngest desperately needs his breaks, he needs down time to day dream and do silly things. I've learned when to push him, when to insist on high standards and when to back off.

You're aware of your DD's need to learn and at the same time her resistance. I imagine it won't be long before everything's in balance.