also, I guess I only have my two kids, but I am a super big believer in strewing the path richly (books, educational materials all around; intro them to interesting/educational computer stuff, offer to play games that you think are enriching, ask them about their interests and enable those), limiting screentime, and letting them find what they need. They do.

If you think she needs to achieve a few specific goals for next year to work out well, why not figure out what they are, tell her about them, and then set up a reward system of some kind? Most kids (not all!!) do respond to this. If I do Handwriting without Tears with DS this summer (not sure if I will), I'll do something like this--"15 minutes of this and then we'll play Othello" (which he loves), or whatever. But don't get caught in "She must just constantly be/learn/know moremoremore...because look at that potential!" all the time, if she is not reaching for it. BTDT a little myself.