hi there, MegMeg!

stuff like this is so touchy, and while i don't have any real insight on the workload question - your mention of the manipulation and power-struggles sort of rang a bell!

about a year ago our daughter (then 4) suddenly started to assert her (strong) personality and WHINE FUSS FLOP (ps - love that) came into our lives. after a lot of thought, we finally realized that manipulation was her only strategy, so we decided to offer her another, more productive one - the Family Round Table.

it's not a regular event, but any family member can request a Round Table, and we book it for Sunday evening so we're not having one every 5 seconds. it's really taken the pressure off of everyone to be able to just calmly say, "uh, this sounds like a Round Table discussion - let's defer until then." it sort of bleeds out the tension of the moment, and the actual meeting becomes something everyone looks forward to because it's such a safe place to negotiate/hear everyone's expectations and concerns.

maybe something like this might help you get to the bottom of this particular issue and figure out whether it's a big thing, a small thing or nothing to worry about? it's worked really well for us on those kinds of questions...

in any case, good luck!!

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.