Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
Obediance and cooperation are different concepts.

Agreed. And there will be times where you can get cooperation, and times when you can't. It's in those moments where you have to ask yourself how much you need obedience instead. Seat belts? Absolutely. Fashion choices? Meh... as long as there's nothing offensive about them, and there's no danger of hyper/hypothermia, I really don't care.

When you have a strong-willed child, ANY issue can become a battleground over control. And honestly, sometimes, you need to let the child have some control. That's vital for development of identity, self-confidence, etc. And a child who feels they have more control is more likely to graciously concede control when you require it... thus creating more cooperation, and necessitating less obedience.

And so... pick your battles wisely. Those battles you choose, do not lose.

Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
I know many people don't care for an attachment parenting style, but a respect and communication centric approach works for me.

We're not into the attachment thing, but respect and communication are central to what we do.