Yes, it's crossed ours, too.

But we do NOT want to send the message to our naturally thoughtful, introspective, gracious and somewhat introverted child that being victimized = slinking away from your abuser, who then "owns the field."

Harsh terminology, yes. But she did NOT do anything wrong or bad. She didn't "participate" in a "negative relationship dynamic." She was ABUSED.

Support so that she can face things, yes. In progress. But NO WAY are we willing for her to simply walk away and forfeit hard-won social standing and social circles to her abuser.

The one group (RPG) that we thought we would simply do that with, surprisingly, the (older adolescent) GM pretty much immediately opted to jettison the offender without a backwards glance. {edited details out}

"ICKY" is only getting warmed up, here. eek

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 01/10/13 11:33 AM. Reason: to remove identifying details

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.