Originally Posted by sydness
Do you know the book "The Little Island?" By Mararet Wise Brown, I think. She cried at 2 or 3 when I read it to her. The island has all these seasons and adventures and at the end, it is just an island in the middle of the sea. She was so upset that the island was just left by itself.

She often talks about how things go over and over. like seasons..and mirrors and whatever...she is, and has always noticed the cycles in life.

She cries often at movies.
Yup - my son was like this - at that age he freaked out while we were trying to watch 'Fly away home' whenever the girl wanted to get into the small airplane because (who knows?) maybe he thought it was dangerous? (Of course I had fast forwarded through the car crash at the beginning in a different room.) What 2 year old does that?

And at 3 he would cry whenever we passed the apartment building where Daddy used to live before he met Mommy. Apparently the idea of Daddy without Mommy was too lonely for DS to bear.

I had no idea in the world that all kids weren't like this. At home. With their Mommies.

It sounds like you are well on your way on the right path!

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