Exactly - tests of this nature 'show' that she's in good company - 'Golly - 3% scored just like her - she's got that good handful of peers'

Well - not if the test stops so low that it can't discriminate between 'top 3% and top 0.3%

Next year you can pull out the SAT prep book and gauge if she ready to sit down with the High School Seniors and give it a whirl. (Lots of PGlets really aren't ready until age 12 - but some are ready earlier)

That should make their eyes pop.

Meanwhile the Math score might be worth finding out how many kids in her class scored that high...and try and make a case for subject acceleration.

Originally Posted by http://cty.jhu.edu/ts/grades26.html
After enrolling in the Talent Search, you'll receive information about your choice of tests. Students in grades 2-6 take the SCAT test ($55 US)
Is worth an afternoon...you go to a local computer testing center - say on Vetran's Day and spend an hour waiting while your DD takes their test.

It won't help with the school folks either, but does open the door to some cool weekend activities and online classes for enrichment.

A really key thing to find out is - are their real peers for my daughter in her current grade. If so, offering an afterschool activity such as 'Junior Great Books' yourself might be the way to go. If not - that's a whole different challenge.

Here's another idea - if possible, ask the school to give her CMTs for kids 2 grades ahead of her, and ask them to see how her scores compare to those kids. If she scores in the 'top 30%' advanced for kids 2 grades ahead, it might give them the security to skip her a single grade.

Keep posting, I'll try and keep coming up with ideas...

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