Kcab...We picked this town for the school system. The CT gifted site lists a really good curriculum compacting option, plus other gifted options. It's all a lie. The school is perfect for my 1st grader so far. I just can't allow myself to think we made THAT BIG of a mistake yet. Still trying to make it work.

On the plus side. The LA teacher (after the phone call with GC?) asked DD9 what book she was reading for independent reading and asked her to what it was about. DD9 said she gave her a short version. She is reading Behind the Bedroom Wall. I think it is only a 4th Grade level book, but the content is a good starter book for learning about Nazi Germany. We got a lot more books about that subject. I hope the low reading level of the book she is reading doesn't make teacher think that's how high she can go. I think it is a very popular book. She had never heard of it. But she asked! That is a great first step! It made DD9 feel like she was being...noticed! It doesn't take a LOT for a teacher to make a student feel good about herself.