So, babygirl asked teacher today..."Can I have something harder to work on?" Teacher some something like "Well, this is what is good for the class right now." My very brave babygirl said "Well, it is too easy for ME!" Teacher told her that it would have to do for now.

It was a coloring paper with directions in it. Color the first bear brown and so on.

I asked her how guided reading went today. She said "bad." That the book was for babies and her partner and she read every other page and she had to wait forever for him to finish his page.

He is the only one in her class reading near her level.

OMG! I can't believe this is happening.

I told her that I was happy that everything else she did in class was harder...She said. "nope. EVERYTHING is way too easy."

This is the first I am hearing of any of this. I think I will wait a week or so to email the teacher. She asked for harder work, lets see if the teacher provides it.