Thanks Foltzy, thanks Katelyn's mom. Katelyn's mom, how you been doing lately? Enjoying the Holliday break?
I've been great La Texican and thanks for asking.

We usually don't share like this on this forum BUT hey the subject is Random Chatting! I did get my dream car over the Holidays and have been out driving it around. Since it was my dream car and what I've wanted forever DH wouldn't let me settle and I got to order exactly what I wanted so I had to wait for 2 months but the wait was worth it!
DD has been on break and goes back to school next week. We had the pleasure of seeing the extended family on DH's side over this past weekend and this side of the family speaks Spanish. They were blown away by DD's Spanish. One Uncle who is fluent in Spanish was in shock, stating that her pronunciation was better than his. Glad to know the school is really working for DD in that regards. (I am pathetic with any foreign language. It's my downfall.) It was really cute how all of them, when seeing DD, said something in regards to her Grandpa and how she is the apple of his eye. I guess all he ever talks about is DD. She isn't their only grandbaby but she is the youngest.
I hope you had a great Holiday and hope Wyatt adjusts soon!
Also: On the topic of video chat with Wyatt's Dad. I know money is tight for you but is it possible to get the IPhone 4s? They have video capabilities. Of course besides the cost is the service and if he would have service on the oil rigs. <<shrug>> just a thought. But I do agree that Wyatt might adjust faster if he could see his Dad when he talks to him.