I am a mentor for a FIRST Robotics team, so I am currently spending my weekends in "the shed" with my team working on designing and building their robot for this year's competition (check out
FIRST Robotics FRC group for more info). DDalmost 8 has been coming along trying desperately to get the "big kids" to let her help. Well, I loved watching her work her way into these high school kids' field of view. She was a persistant, yet gentle little fly that eventually they noticed and allowed her to help out. She was rewarded for her persistance by being allowed a chance to drive the prototype bot at the end of the weekend. You should have seen the grin on her face!

I love the fact that I can take my daughter to something as cool as this and not have to worry about her destroying the place, but instead have confidence that she will find a way to helpout with the project. All of the difficulty it is sometimes raising a kid like her seems almost worth it when we can do things like this.