Haven't looked because android's verizion and we're AT&T. The 4gs only gives video chat where there's wifi, not in the field. Already tried that way to get the new phone. They got the hd video and an editor to put my video clips togeather. I would love to paste all my video clips togeather.
We have skyppe at the house. My sister said my nephew walked by the computer one night after skypeing and he was calling Wyatt, where are you?

Congrats K, santa's the greatest.

Let me tell my aww, cute story. Then i'll hit submit. We were watching CMT, something with George Strait in it. Martina Mc Bride came out singing Garth Brook's "the dance" and Espy started singing with her. From the belly, putting her heart into it. She's three months old now, and she is a chatterbox.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar