For the record, I have a friend who's in to tracend dental medication whenever he's in at all. (really, the guy is... DUMB... except for the smart part)

I'm just writing to cry at you all. We don't fit in. Everyone is complaining about how their kids sleep. And it's so not even the same ballpark, I don't feel like I can say anything. And they're complaining about temper tantrums. And it's not the same ballpark NOW, let alone when DS used to have tantrums. I'm down to talking about where I found the missing bannana last week. DS spent all day yesterday talking about dead things, and then there was the chicken egg conversation (and dye plants, just to confuse the issue), and I'm shy of even talking to his dad about it becuase.. because... because...

How come so many kids seem to survive being in one room ten hours a day five days a week? It can't really be true, can it?

Mich, master of angst.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!