The hubby got a new job. �He already had job when they offered. �This new job has him working 7 days on and 7 days off in the oilfield. �Rotating the work weeks. �He'll be gone once a month. �We can make plans and do more fun stuff and he can do all my honey-do's. �It's the same pay with more days off. �Poor Wyatt's taking it hard. �He was asking indirectly at first, "won't dada want the last bananna for lunch tomorrow". �Eventually it became point blank �"do we still have a dada?". The hubby said that was a kick in the pants. �I've told him his dad's at work. �They talk several times a day. �This morning Wyatt me told me to look at the tv. �I said, I'm busy, why? �He said "there's a mom and a dad." and he started crying. �It was a commercial with a couple laughing togeather in a kitchen. �He'll adjust. �But this is sad. �I didn't know the boy would take it like this. His dad's been gone for work before but it's been awhile ago.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar