Originally Posted by Grinity
What is funny to me in retrospect, is that I thought that all 4 year olds would be able to have such discussions if only all moms were as wonderful at explaining things as I am. L O L My denial of my son's giftedness was firmly in place.

I'm late to this thread, but it gave me a bit of an A-HA moment. When DS(now 9) was 15 months, he was VERY attached to nursing. At that time, I found out I was expecting my next child and had to take medication for several months that meant I had to stop nursing DS immediately. I had heard horror stories from other moms about how upset their DC were when nursing was stopped against the child's choice. I sat down on the bed with DS on my lap, and told him that this would be our last time nursing because I needed to take some medicine that could make him sick if we continued. He said "OK, Mama," contentedly nursed for the final time and never asked about it again.

At the time, I never thought about this as anything unusual. I couldn't understand why other moms didn't just talk to their kids when they decided to stop nursing. It seemed odd that their kids, many of whom were older than mine, were upset about it. In retrospect, a bit of a lightbulb has gone off.