Thanks for starting this La Tex

I was just thinking that "it can't be helped", it is the way it is.
That as soon as any of us say or admit that our child is 'gifted' (or if we don't even use that word, but just that yes, does something levels ahead (not talking about sports or music, ha) of other children) to a teacher or another adult, that it can't be helped the types of reactions we get.
Only with another adult who already has experience or is gracious enough would you get acceptance at some level. Those are such treasured people!!
But those other adults, you know who they are, (horror and shudder), where their reactions totally blows you away. Because we have extra "senses", we sense almost immediately that some of these adults say "oh, let's see how smart your kid really is", "what do you know", and "see, they're not that smart" ... and then add on, "you think you're so smart" "big whooping deal" blah blah blah
I've decided that as soon as someone displays that, I am no longer responsible for their education. No, I will not be the one to educate them. (I'm too sensitive.) I will not spend my energy and my small time on earth explaining to someone who already has that attitude. Gah, it isn't about being smart anyways. It really has nothing to do with that. SIGH.
I will run. Fly. I rather sit in the dark.
I can't stand it. When you were young, did you ever wonder what was wrong with everyone? Why were the 8-10 yr old girls all acting so weird and how come they didn't "get" things? sigh. It was so frustrating.
Would anyone like to sit in the dark with me to explore the universe?