Finally talked to the Gifted Teacher today and the 1st grade teacher. They are going to rearrange the way books are done. She has 2 more chapters to read in the Junie B. Jones book so she will be finishing it. Next book she gets to pick and I've talked to the teacher about her burning out reading. So we're going to 1 chapter a night with better questions instead of "What is one important thing that happened in the chapter" It'll also help with her writing which is horrible but we're working on it. With the Gifted Teacher we have set up a meeting to go over a few things but in the mean time she's going to discuss yet again with the 1st grade teacher that DD does not need to be doing everything so repetitively. She agrees that it should be more challenging and that she gets it after 1 or 2 times of it being taught and doesn't need to rehash it 10 or more times.

So we're getting there. Now if I could get DD to remember to turn in her homework, it would be much better.