Originally Posted by spaghetti
You did good. What you are asking for is not unreasonable at all. Your DS has a diagnosis with educational impact. That's a no brainer. And the purpose of the 504 is to minimize the impact of the disability on school performance ("even the playing field").

I've gotten the same garbage about "we can do this, but not this" totally ignoring that "this" is to ACCOMMODATE A DISABILITY. It's not some menu where you choose what you like. Sure, there are different ways to get the same place, but he still has to get there.

Good luck. This looks like a 504 that needs family and student monitoring and self advocacy.
Thank you! And you are correct. My only objective in any of this is to make sure he is actually learning--both academically and developmentally. I am not "that parent" in wanting him to be a superstar, but I want him to actually learn.

It's a conundrum. He can handle difficult academic concepts but the EF stuff overwhelms him. TBH--it *is* totally overwhelming. Each teacher has their own system, multiple binders, lots of tabs, long term assignments, etc. etc., and that wouldn't be such a problem, except they get a lot of their grade from the ability to manage the systems.

I know he needs to learn this stuff--but it's bothersome it has the potential to exclude him from gifted services, because he could probably pass the midterms and finals with pretty solid percentages without all of the binders. He is an information sponge and really very functional, intellectually.