Originally Posted by polarbear
FWIW, my DCD ds has very flat facial expressions except when he's laughing. He also has a monotone voice and is difficult to hear when he speaks because he speaks so quietly. I don't know have any professional advice for you, but since your ds is in middle school (I think?) you might try just explaining to him what other people expect to see. That's part of the approach we take with our ds - the other part is he's been in speech therapy and his speech therapist worked with him on facial expressions also.
I don't think "what they expect to see" will mean a lot to DS (at least it hasn't so far) but I am really excited to see that facial expressions could be part of S/L therapy. I am going to ask for his pragmatic language skills to be evaluated (if the school won't accept NP report that is filled with social communication challenges). I'm assuming that is where the "facial expressions" piece would be filed?