Originally Posted by geofizz
Eco, to echo (ha!) the others: If you request it, they *must* evaluate for an IEP. They also must do their own evaluation, but they can choose to include your external evaluation in place of their own testing.
I know they have to do something, but the two previous times I asked for evaluation it was turned down based on "record review." As far as I can tell, that just means the process coordinator looked at his grades and test scores and said NO. Maybe I'm missing something.

Both times I asked were in response to teachers telling me there were concerns about DS and both times they already had some outside evidence (psych eval and multiple DSM diagnoses, from two different sources).

I do think having had hell year last year should help. Before, DS seemed to be pretty well-received and the behaviors were all ADHD type things but not seriously problematic, well controlled with medication. He always performed well before and everyone seemed to like him.