Originally Posted by geofizz
I think addressing the off-putting behaviors is pretty important. Think about those sorts of behaviors carried into college or a professional setting. He needs better coping skills.

Depends on why he's behaving like this, could it be
"Difficulty adjusting his sense of humor to the situation."


"Difficulty positively advocating for his needs." ?

We also have a lot of problems with teachers figuring out how to aim their help for my kids. "Hey, my kid is anxious about X and the result is Y" ends up with the teacher being sickeningly sweet and reassuring, when really they just need to cough up information.

I do want the social behaviors addressed--what I meant was, do I even bring up the past stuff? Or just save it with my documentation if there is a need to provide evidence that bad things happen when people don't understand?

I don't even want to think about, much less talk about, last year. I am pretty sure DS is doing really well right now (yay!), though, so if they were to go into the classroom at this moment in time, not sure they'd see a significant need for support.

We need a plan for when things aren't going well...