eco, I'm glad you finally have a diagnosis and a strong report to back it up. I hope that it helps you in advocating with your school (it should!) - and I hope your advocacy will help your ds' teachers understand him better this year.

Does the school have to conduct their own eval or can they use this report? I mean, if I can get them to agree to consider IEP.

You need to throw away the doubt ("If I can get them to consider") - they have to consider a request by a parent. You need to put in a written request for an evaluation for *eligibility* for an IEP based on ____ (each and all of your concerns). You can include the diagnosis and report in your request. The school will then *have* to call an eligibility team meeting at which they will discuss whether or not they feel it's appropriate to evaluate your ds for services under an IEP. Then they evaluate and decide if he is eligible (unless they don't feel he needs to be evaluated, in which case you appeal). And if they evaluate and find him not eligible you still have avenues to appeal. It's also quite possible that given the report you have, the school might at least agree right off that they will evaluate him or they could even potentially go straight to giving him an IEP without a further evaluation.

I'd make the written request right away - because IEP evaluation processes can take time. The school district has deadlines for evaluations (the length of time depends up on the state and school district policies), but even with a "short" timeframe it still usually takes time to pull together a meeting with the full team, and to get testing/etc scheduled if the team feels further info is needed for the evaluation.

Good luck!
