Originally Posted by blackcat
I called the State and the district was aware of this, and luckily for them, turned things around before I did anything.

Just to add on to blackcat's experience - and I hope this doesn't happen to you, but something to be aware of. We had a similar experience with a school that simply wanted to tell us "no" repeatedly to any and every request. It was *really* helpful to consult with an outside advocate rather than just accepting what the school had to say - we found out in the course of advocating for IEP services for our ds that our school was actually in trouble for previous violations of Federal Law re IEP/504 denials and was close to actually losing their Federal Funding. The advocate gave us the words to use to make the requests we were seeking, and having those specific words really helped. wrightslaw advice really helps too - if you haven't read "From Emotions to Advocacy" I'd get a copy.

Best wishes,
