We signed DD up for piano lessons this year through a program that comes to her school. We thought this would be the best route due to the additional Spanish time, since the instructor teaches in Spanish and since she is a full time student it would be a really long day for her if we added piano lessons after school. The instructor has been very impressed with DD's abilities. She was able to read the notes by the first two lessons and her attention span is amazing. But I haven't been impressed with the lessons. I don't feel they put much if any emphasis on practicing while at home.

So this week we rented a piano for the house. We do have a keyboard but it just isn't the same especially if you are learning. We decided to rent for now since we're still at the beginning and don't want to buy until we're sure she is devoted to the piano. The nice thing is part of the rental fee will go to the purchase of a piano so we won't lose all of the money.

We also found a teacher who will come to the house and give her lessons. She will be his youngest student but thanks to her 2 months of lessons through the other program we know she is ready and he was excited to hear about her attention span and note reading. She starts with him on Monday.