Katelyn'sM om

I can see why you are uneasy with all the changes and the growing pains, but it does seem like they are very conscious of trying to meet your DD's needs. The disparity is pretty wide now but at least they are making the attempt. So going with the something is better than nothing approach?

I picked DS up earlier last week and when I peaked in, all the other kids were in groups of 3 or 4 with a teacher or without working happily. DS was at a different table reading, alone. My sense is he does this a lot - I am glad that the let him choose to do what he likes which is read - and I know that they do have him socializing/playing a lot of the day. But on some level it was fairly heartbreaking to see he was the only one choosing this, and the stuff for him to read on his own is an odd mix. I wish they were even attempting to meet him where he is, but they see their role for him as socialization.

We still don't know about kindy, praying for the gifted school option, which will likely not be enough but at least it will be in the vicinity of enough - or we will rethink then. If he doesn't get in, then we have problems!
