No, unfortunately I am pathetic when it comes to foreign language and DD has no patients with me either. When I try to talk to her I usually get a quick NO, you don't speak Spanish. On the few occasions that she let me try I was corrected sooooo many times I just gave up. She is a very critical teacher! The school is a complete immersion.

I went to pick her up yesterday and the class was a little behind and hadn't really started their valentine party. The minute she saw me she had big tears in her eyes and grabbed her bowl of fruit crying that they hadn't had a chance to share. I told her it was no problem and I can wait. She then turned to her teacher and talked to her all in Spanish but I could make out that she basically said the same thing. LOL I guess she needed assurance from both of us that it was OKAY. It always amazes me how quick she can jump from one language to the other.

On a side note, we are having some personal tragedy in our lives. DD's dog whom she loves dearly has cancer. He has a huge tumor behind his right eye and at the very least will need surgery to remove the tumor and the eye. She is devastated. The thought of your dog with only one eye is a lot for a 4 year old to deal with. We had a CT scan done today and our worst fears are coming true. It is massive and just surgery will probably not fix the problem. Now we have the hard decision of possibly having to end his life. I just can't bring myself to tell her that. We go in tomorrow to meet with the surgeon and are praying they have an option that is doable. We already lost our cat last year and it was hard on her, but I suspect losing her dog will be 10 folds worse.