Originally Posted by NotherBen
I'm not debating Mindset in this thread. The fact is that my school district is making some changes to promote a Growth Mindset. Some changes seem to be positive. Some language is not.

I have an opportunity to hear Dr Dweck in person, and I hope she will take questions. I want to get a clear understanding "right from the horse's mouth", not someone else's. My intent is not to challenge her, the event is not the right forum for that, and I doubt I would get a meaningful response.

I hope to understand whether my district is interpreting Mindset the same way I do, agreeing with some things but not others, or whether they have gone down the rabbit hole, too. Of course, that they are spending the money (and it might not be my money, it likely comes from a grant or donation) to host this event, probably means they are deep in. If they offer kool-aid for refreshments I will definitely worry.

I asked in my original post if anyone had heard Dr Dweck speak live and in person, not on video. Has anyone?

I hope it's being paid for by a grant, because her speaking fee is in the range of $20-30K. This makes me very suspicious because she has a crystal-clear financial interest in persuading others to accept her ideas. Which is to say, she's running a business and has a serious conflict of interest with respect to the research claims.

If this event is at the school and the school is paying for it, is the school also complaining about budget shortfalls?

If you only want to ask questions that don't challenge her, you're going to get one-sided answers --- from a person with a significant financial interest in promoting her ideas. I haven't heard her speak in person, but suspect that you'll hear a very polished presentation that plays to emotions that make the audience feel good.

If you want to understand how your district is interpreting her ideas, your best bet is to ask the person (or committee?) who had the authority to pay for Brainology (and her speaker fee, if she's speaking at a school). This person or committee (not Dweck) will be in the best position to answer your question about what the attraction is.

I'm sorry you didn't want this thread to turn into a debate, but I was (and am) trying to point out asking questions and raising points about what I see as serious problems in her arguments and conflicts of interest. IMO, this stuff is required for informed opinions.